
The Obama Legacy: Dead Muslims and Betrayed Liberals

Armory of the Revolution

Liberals turned blind eyes to Obama’s war crimes and we deluded ourselves that a black man wouldn’t sell out to corporate interests.

What we got with Obama was a president closer to Ronald Reagan than to Bernie Sanders.

Obama killed more people than did George W Bush.

Obama prosecuted more whistleblowers than all US presidents combined.

Obama approved oil drilling in the Arctic.

Obama pronounced Chelsea Manning guilty before she ever went to trial.

Obama signed the Denying Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act for Monsanto, which prevents states from requiring GMO labeling.

Obama spent a trillion dollars on nuclear weapons.

Obama used the power of his office to try to push the TPP down America’s throat.

Obama bombed 7 countries with which we were not at war.

Obama killed civilians, including Americans, with drones.

Obama deported more people than any president in history.

Like most progressives, I regret…

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